Does your organisation face these problems?

  Policies and procedures hard to find

  Multiple versions of the same policy

  No automated process for creating policies

  No audit trail to track who did what

  No review process to know what policies are current

  Risk of compliance breaches if audited

  Ownership lost when authors leave

  No delegation process

  Difficult to create procedures

  Manual task to approve procedures

It can be a struggle to manage policies, procedures, contracts and other important documents where multiple people are involved in the creation process. Our SharePoint based solution will give you complete control.

Key Benefits

Process efficiency – Stops you wasting time and money so you can get on with doing great work

Information integrity – Feel confident that your policies and procedures are accurate and up-to-date

Compliance reliability – Help make compliance a breeze

Usability – Users will love how easy it is to use

World Peace – Enabling people to be productive make us all happy

Key Features

Simplify Procedure Creation
Create new procedures efficiently using our Procedure Wizard
Review and Approve
Direct documents to the people who need to review and approve them
Assign and Reassign Owners
Ensuring every procedure has an owner and ownership can be reassigned
Delegate Tasks
Perform the review or delegate it to another team member
View and Audit Trail
Identify single points of failure and amend processes to avoid problems in the future
Advanced Search Functionality
Search for specific content and refine results to find what you need
Dynamic Dashboards
 Track policy creation process, policies ready for renewal and more
Expiration Notifications
Find out when a policy is due for renewal
Version Control
Rollback or compare to previous versions, no need to copy files
Familiar software
Use Microsoft Office to create and edit documents
Reminder Checklist
Ensure the procedure is complete with a checklist to tick off
Automatic Notifications
Get notified when a task needs your attention
Receive a free report

Find out the cost of your current Procedure Management process

The Procedure Management System is created by WebVine. We are a SharePoint, Office 365 and Dynamics CRM consultancy, based in Sydney with clients around the world.

We offer a number of business solutions including:

Procedure Management a SharePoint process to control procedure creation, review and approval as well as document management and access.

Injio a fully functional, responsive intranet accelerator based on Microsoft’s Office 365 SharePoint Online.

Onboarding Hero a convenient and reliable system for onboarding and off-boarding staff.

To learn more about ways to reduce the costs and risks associated with document policy management please contact us.

1800 022 990

305/59 Great Buckingham st, Redfern NSW 2016