Procedure Wizard

Our Procedure Wizard is the heart of our Procedure Management solution.
Below are some highlights of what happens during the procedure creation process and the resulting search and analytics experience.

Create a draft procedure

1. Go to Drafts and create a new document from Ribbon. This will open a document in Microsoft Word (client application).
2. On top of the document, you will document information panel that will allow you to enter different properties.

Launch the Procedure Wizard


Initiate a Peer Review of the Procedure


Peer Reviewer takes on or delegates the task

  • Either perform the review or delegate it to other team member.
  • Review the procedure and either pass or reject it with comments. 

The Procedure Wizard is now updated


Initiate a Compliance Review

  • Specify reviewer type (Team/Individual) before submitting compliance view.
  • Specify compliance review due date. 
  • You can skip compliance review, if skip compliance review is not required and publish the procedure.  
  • After submitting for compliance review, the procedure owner can also revoke the compliance review (in case they need to suddenly update the procedure).  

Compliance Reviews the Procedure

  • Accept Compliance review  
  • Either perform the review or delegate it to other team member.  
  • Review the procedure and either pass or reject the procedure with comments 

Updated Procedure Wizard after Compliance Review


Search for Procedures

  • Leverages SharePoint 2013 Enterprise Search 
  • Find all procedures containing certain text 
  • Find all procedures tagged with a term 
  • Preview documents by hovering over the result 
  • Refine by Modified Date, Author, Result Type and your customised refiners 

Overview - The Executive Dashboard